Pysycache - User manual

Vincent DEROO

Revision History
Revision 3.1September 2007, 04Revised by: Vincent DEROO
Update with the 3.1 release of application

This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA02110-1301, USA

Table of Contents
1. Pysycache overview
Presentation of the project
Requirements for PySyCaChe usage
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
2. License
Author and credits
3. Installation
Installation of the required libraries
Linux platform
Macintosh platform
Windows platform
Pysycache's installation
Test before installation
Installation on Linux platform
Installation on Macintosh platform
Installation on Windows platform
Additional themes installation
Installation FAQ
4. Configuration
Configuration of Pysycache mode
Users management
5. Screen presentation
Keyboard shortcuts
Chronometer mode
6. Personnal preferences
7. Activities
Move activity
Educational object
Screen areas
Activity move FAQ
Click activity
Educational object
Screen areas
Activity click FAQ
Buttons activity
Educational object
Screen areas
Activity buttons FAQ
Double click activity
Educational object
Screen areas
Activity Double click FAQ
Drag and drop activity
Educational object
Screen areas
Activity drag and drop FAQ
List of Tables
5-1. Pysycache buttons visibility
7-1. Move activity levels
7-2. Click activity levels
7-3. Dinosaur theme click
7-4. Sea theme click
7-5. Pictures for thumbnail of the click activity
7-6. Buttons activity levels
7-7. Bee and rabbit theme buttons
7-8. Frog theme buttons
7-9. Ice theme buttons
7-10. Wolf theme buttons
7-11. Double click activity levels
7-12. Appel and pear theme buttons
7-13. Butterfly theme buttons
7-14. Cheese theme buttons
7-15. Drag and drop activity levels
List of Figures
1-1. Map of the Pysycache V3.0 serial downloads (at May, 31 2007)
3-1. Windows setup for installing Pysycache - Launching
3-2. Windows setup for installing Pysycache - License agreement
3-3. Windows setup for installing Pysycache - Target directory
3-4. Windows setup for installing Pysycache - Shortcuts on Desktop
3-5. Windows setup for installing Pysycache - Resume
4-1. Presentation of the administration screen
4-2. Configuration of Pysycache mode
4-3. Independent users with Pysycache
4-4. Gathered users with Pysycache
4-5. Configuration of the Pysycache users management
6-1. Launch the preferences of the Pysycache user
6-2. Configuration of Pysycache user preferences
7-1. Move activity screen
7-2. ABC Book GPL theme
7-3. Animals GPL theme
7-4. Food GPL theme
7-5. Plants GPL theme
7-6. Number GPL theme
7-7. Sky GPL theme
7-8. Sport GPL theme: this theme contents photographies of sportive activities
7-9. Creation of a sub-directory
7-10. File masque-button-theme.png
7-11. File masque-image-clair.png
7-12. File masque-image-fonce.png
7-13. ABCBook gimp script-fu
7-14. Result of the ABCBook gimp script-fu
7-15. Number gimp script-fu
7-16. Result of the Number gimp script-fu
7-17. Resize gimp script-fu
7-18. Click activity screen
7-19. File masque-button-theme.png
7-20. File masque-image-clair.png
7-21. "Pysycache / Theme click" gimp script-fu
7-22. Buttons activity screen
7-23. File masque-button-theme.png
7-24. Directory content for the buttons activity
7-25. Description of the corner sizes
7-26. Double click activity screen
7-27. File masque-button-theme.png
7-28. Directory content for the buttons activity
7-29. Drag and drop activity screen
7-30. Art GPL theme: this theme contents photographies of paintings
7-31. Cartoon GPL theme: this theme contents some funny cartoons
7-32. Photographies GPL theme: this theme contents interesting photographies
7-33. Creation of the subdirectory
7-34. Jigsaw creation
7-35. Sharp the pieces of the jigsaw
7-36. View of the created pieces
7-37. Sharping of pieces
7-38. Final pieces
7-39. color configuration